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What is Hypnotherapy?


Hypnotherapy is a natural and gentle way to treat all kinds of emotional, nervous or psychological problems.

You remain awake and in control. It's a very relaxing and enjoyable experience.


The type of hypnotherapy I practice is a powerful combination of psychotherapy and hypnosis.

I begin each therapy session with a period of psychotherapy - encouraging you to think positively, followed by hypnosis to consolidate that positivity.

Hypnosis is a  state of trance where your subconscious mind becomes more receptive to beneficial suggestions, accepting directions to promote positive change. We become more focused, relaxed and able to make decisions easier. As a client, you need to want the change to happen and be willing to undertake a course of sessions, so working with me to bring about that change. I will give you the tools to change and you can use them in your everyday life to beneficial effect.

 As a Clinical Hypnotherapist, I use this natural relaxed state of mind to help you reach your true potential or change a behavioural pattern or habit with hypnotherapy.  I specialise in 'solution focus hypnotherapy' which means focusing on solutions to problems rather than taking you back over the past.


Some common concerns!
Clients are sometimes concerned that they will "lose control" in hypnosis, however, general consensus indicates that regardless of how deeply people may go in to hypnosis and however passive they may appear to be, they actually remain in full control of the situation. They are able to talk if they wish and can terminate the session, stand up and leave the room at any time.


At the present time there is no single regulating body for Hypnotherapy, however, the General Hypnotherapy Standards Council is working steadily to change this. I am a member of the General Hypnotherapy Register and the Association for Solution Focussed Hypnotherapy and therefore abide by their code of ethics, thus ensuring you, the client, can feel confident you will receive a professional, confidential, client led service.

Positive interactions

Positive actions

Positive thinking

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